Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chiropractics and various other things

Okay-- so I said I'd write today, and here I am. For those of you who follow Tab's Literary World, there's a post there today, too. (WOW!!)

Stu has been a fan of chiropractors for years. He's gone to a few of them, due to some back problems he's had. He's encouraged me to go for a shoulder "issue" I've had, but I never went.
Until about 2 weeks ago.

You see, about 3 years ago I injured my back helping one of my special needs students in the restroom. The student has muscular dystrophy, and despite using all the right "helping someone in the restroom" techniques, he slipped, I twisted to catch him to keep him from falling, and in the process, I could no longer move.

I don't understand all the television depictions of someone throwing his or her back out-- all the while smiling at the humorous situation of not being able to dance or jump or some other physical activity. When my back went "out", I hurt. In fact, I couldn't move. Everything hurt. The school nurse ended up calling my husband to come get me, who in turn had to go to the emergency room with me, because I couldn't move. The solution? Don't move, rest, no stretching yourself, take some meds and hopefully it will get better.

It did. Stu understood what I was going through-- and made sure that I rested COMPLETELY (despite my fighting to get up myself) and I did not strain or stretch for anything. I took my meds, and miraculously, within a long weekend, I was better. Much better.

Until 2 weeks ago.

I decided to do some cleaning in the bathroom (what is it with this room?) and barely-- I mean BARELY bent over to do some cleaning, and BAM. Out it goes again. Somehow I make it to my bed, and whistle for attention and help.

This time, no hopsital visit.
Ice and heat.
Heat and ice.
No stretching.
No straining.


After three days, it still hurt.

So Stu tells me again, "I think you need to see a chiropractor this time. Call Dr. Montgomery. Today."

So I did.

Boy, oh Boy, am I glad I did. My back feels great. I barely even notice any "catches" or kinks at all. But the best part of it is that Dr. Montgomery is not just treating me for the one problem I went in for-- my back. He's treating the whole package-- including the neck and shoulder issues I've had for years. Now, the neck and shoulder stuff is giving me a little more of a hard time in healing, but if you look at how long I've dealt with these problems, having someone that's willing to help me work through it to improve myself, well, that's comforting.

I've also been encouraged to get out and walk every day-- not just by the doctor, but by my friend, Laura. She's got this crazywonderful idea that the two of us are going to run a half marathon after she has her baby (+training time!) I told her it would take that long for me to become a runner! (I've never seen myself as a "runner" as much as I'd like to attempt it.) I think, though, being on the right track with my spine might be a step in the right direction.

Well... that and some prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Oh friend, I'm not a "runner" either, but you'll be amazed at what your body can do when you ask it to and train it. Also, we have the running guru Kelly on board to help train, it's like oh 8 months! :)
