Saturday, August 1, 2009


Yesterday we celebrated the Trekker's Birthday. Imagine 8 to 10-year-old boys watching Star Trek and shooting each other with phasers of various generations. Fun, fun-- but a little much for hubby.

We watched 2 different episodes of Star Trek: Phantasms form TNG (since the cake was inspired by this episode-- complete with mint frosting!) and A Piece of the Action from the original series.

Menu items included:
replicated hamburgers
tube grubs (macaroni and cheese)
isolinear chips (Doritos)
gel packs
gak (gummy worms)
Romulan ale (blue Gatorade)
Klingon blood wine (cranberry juice)

and to top it all off, this cake:

All in all, I think the boys had some fun-- although it might have been the last sleepover (for a while at least!)

So this morning-- It's hit me that there are TWO weeks left before school starts (for me). TWO WEEKS!! There's too much to do in these two weeks-- who knows if it will all get done. So I'm working on curtains for the new room today, and then I'll eventually move in to all the mandatory stuff. (Yes, I know I work a little backwards, but hey-- it all usually gets done!)

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